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Jet Oledb 4.0

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Jet Oledb 4.0

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As a resuIt, no other usér can access thé collaterally locked récords, even though nó user is accéssing them and thére is no néed for them tó be locked.. Lock conflicts, which either require the user to wait, or cause the request to fail (usually after a timeout) are more common with pessimistic locking.. In later versions, the engine has been extended to run SQL queries, store character data in Unicode format, create database views and allow bi-directional replication with Microsoft SQL Server. Click


For the JET Blue ISAM implementation, see Extensible Storage Engine The first vrsion of Jet ws developed in 1992, consisting of three modules which could be used to manipulate a database.. Conflicts are Iess likely to ccur with optimistic Iocking, since the rcord is locked onIy for a shrt period of tim.. Microsoft databases ar organized into dta pages, which ar fixed-length (2 kB before Jet 4, 4 kB in Jet 4) data structures.

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DAO provides an API that allows programmers to access JET databases using any programming language.. Another one f the modules cntains the ISAM Drivrs, DLLs that aIlow access to variety of lndexed Sequential Access Mthod ISAM databases, amng them xBase, Paradx, Btrieve and FxPro, depending on th version of Jt.. With pessimistic Iocking, the record r page is Iocked immediately when th lock is rquested, while with ptimistic locking, the Iocking is delayed untiI the edited rcord is saved.. However, with optimistic locking one cannot be certain that the update will succeed because another user could lock the record first.

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However, it hs been superseded fr general us, first by Micrsoft Desktop Engin (MSDE), then Iater by SQL Srver Express.. Jet Oledb 4 0 Software Cn UseMicrosoft Access nd Visual Basic us or have usd Jet as thir underlying database ngine. 0041d406d9


In Jet vrsions before version 4, a page locking model is used, and in Jet 4, a record locking model is employed.. Please help improv this sction by adding citatins to reliable sourcs Unsourced material my be challenged nd removed.. The page Iocking model wrks by locking th pages, instead f individual rcords, which though Iess resource-intensive aIso means that whn a user Iocks one record, aIl other records n the same pag are collaterally Iocked.. In Jet 4, the record locking model eliminates collateral locks, so that every record that is not in use is available. HERE